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SubjectRe: any chance of 2.6.0-test*?
On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 18:57, Emiliano Gabrielli wrote:
> Ok, my apologises... what I would say is "why don't you sit for a moment and think about
> what a lot of skilled coder said you ???"

Believe me when I say, I'm learning a lot from these discussions. Hey,
that's what I'm here for. And that's what the list is about in some
respect (discussion). Call me a troll if you want, call me a cockroach
if it makes you feel better. I don't care. But in the end, I'm saying
what I think is right, and when I'm wrong, I'm learning the whys. If I
still think I'm right, I'm saying so, and people explain vividly exactly
why it is that I'm wrong, and believe it or not, I do learn. Sometimes
I learn at a different rate than others, but that's only because I have
a different background and a different set of learning disabilities.


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