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SubjectRe: The GPL, the kernel, and everything else.
At 11:55 PM 1/11/03 -0500, Rob Wilkens wrote:
> > as for signing kernel modules as being 'good' you have a serious problem
> > in the Linux world that there is no central authority to do any such
> > signing.
>Microsoft uses Verisign I believe, which is a company linux commands
>like "whois" already use to do nameserver lookups for example. It's a
>third party, and hardware manufacturers probably already have
>certificates from them.

Microsoft doesn't use Verisign for its driver signing -- it's a proprietary
system that is hard-wired into Windows. I would guess you are confusing
SSL certificates with module signatures.

As for "whois" you will find the default host for the GNU version is
"", which is not Verisign.

Microsoft signs modules that passes their test suite, and for which vendors
pay a pretty penny (five digits' worth in US Dollars, if I recall
correctly). There is no comparable central authority for Linux or GNU
software, nor would vendors be interested in spending the kind of dollars
that would be associated with that sort of certification. If they would, I
would LOVE to start such a business.


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