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SubjectRe: Using lilo to boot off any drive ...
On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Manish Lachwani wrote:

| In my current setup, I am having 12 ide drives
| connected to a 3ware controller labelled sda to sdl.
| Suppose sde is the drive we want the system to boot
| off. What I do is modify the lilo.conf on sda, sdb,
| sdc etc. to have the "boot" entry point to /dev/sde.
| This way when the controller is transferred to lilo on
| sda, it will load the kernel from sde.
| consider this. If sda is bad and is not exported to
| the OS or is not detected in the BIOS due to a bad
| cable etc. In this scenario, the OS mappings would
| change. Now, sdb will become sda. The lilo.conf on sdb
| (now sda) would have "boot" parameter still point to
| sde, which is now sdd.
| When the control is transferred to lilo on sda (sdb
| actually), is there a way for me to boot off sdd now
| (which was previously sde)? I mean, is there any way
| that lilo can load the appropriate kernel image?
| One of the ways I was thinking of was to modify the
| lilo sources to scan for drive serial# and we boot off
| that drive for which the serial# matches. But, does
| anyone have a better alternative?

I'm missing some info about how a BIOS addresses a large
number of IDE drives. I know about the basic 0x80 = hda
(or C:) and 0x81 = hdb. Is this still used?
Is it extended for even many more drives?


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