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SubjectRe: X.25 Support in Kernel?
Em Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 09:08:06AM +0000, Henning P. Schmiedehausen escreveu:

> Considering the possibility of hacking with the x.25 part of the kernel;
> which would be the best way to start with LLC2 support? Using the driver
> from linux-sna or hacking with net/llc ?

The "driver" from linux-sna is the code I'm working on (based on code donated
by Procom, inc) that nowadays sits in net/llc in 2.5, IOW, its the same code.
I'm still doing lots of modifications on the net/llc code, as I'm still not
satisfied with the socket locking mess that is there because the
net/llc/llc_sock.c (llc_ui, PF_LLC, BSD sockets interface with userlevel) is
using a struct sock and the core is using another, but now that I'm back from
vacation I'm working on fixing this, making it look a lot more like the tcp/ip
codepaths in the kernel, so, if you are interested in going in this direction,
I'm interested in test results, etc.

Maybe adapting the XOT code to do userspace X.25 over a PF_LLC socket could
do it :)

- Arnaldo
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