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SubjectRe: Framebuffer still "EXPERIMENTAL"?
On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 wrote:

> >
> > Normal operation. Either switch to a different tty, or set a font.
> Hmmm, if that's normal operation, surely it's a bug?
Only if you don't need to set a font anyway to be able to see your
desired character set !

> Infact, why not use the wasted space to the right of the penguin for something useful - I.E. a status line, like on old terminals, showing disk and serial port activity!?
That space is reserved for more penguins! Think SMP, or perhaps a P4 with
hyperthreading! But seriously, once you've configured your machine
correctly the penguin doesn't stay around for long, so the space is not
available for a status line.

> > There does seem to be a bug in your mailer, though (excessive line
> > length) :->
> I guess maybe it's time for me to move away from using 'mail' from the command line for my day to day E-Mail needs :-(. Already, I have to use elm when I need the quoting capabilities so lacking from my favourite mailer :-).
> John.
Nothing wrong with doing it the hard way, I s'pose <g>

Out of the darkness a voice spake unto me, saying "smile, things could be
worse". So I smiled, and lo, things became worse.

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