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SubjectRe: some questions using rdtsc in user space
Have you just tried spinning in a tight loop using gettimeofday
to get the time? It's not exactly efficient, but if you need that
kind (200ns) of precision that is about the only way. You'll still
be stuck with 1usec precision since that is as good as gettimeofday
can do, but that's a far sight better than 10ms or even 2ms.


Alexandre P. Nunes wrote:
> Hi,
> Both I and a friend have with an interesting scenario, maybe someone can
> help us.
> We have to access a device connected to parallel port, which works in
> the following way: you send a byte to the port, to turn some bits on
> (reflecting on some pins on the parallel port), which is interpreted by
> the device as a command. Then you are supposed to sleep about ~200ns
> (maybe more, just can't be much less), and then you send a byte which is
> received by the device as data, pertinent to command.
> We wrote a program which accomplishes this by doing outb() to
> appropriate address(es), followed by usleep(1), but that seems to take
> about 10 ms at average or so, which is far from good for our application.
> I read somewhere that putting the process in real-time priority could
> lead the average to 2ms, but I had this though that I could solve this
> by using rdtsc instruction, because as far as I know it won't cause a
> trap to kernel mode, which maybe expensive, am I right?
> I don't have the need to use real time linux (though I'm considering
> real-time priority), nor desperate time precision needs, what I don't
> want is to have huge delays. I cannot relay on the low-latency patches
> too, if possible (though I know it could help), because the program
> will eventually run on standard kernels.
> If using rdtsc is a good way, someone knows how do I do some sort of
> loop, converting the rdtsc difference (is it in cpu clocks, right?) to
> nano/microseconds, and if there could be bad behaviour from this (I
> believe there could be some SMP issues, but for now this is irrelavant
> for us).
> Thanks!
> Alexandre
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Ben Greear <> <Ben_Greear AT>
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