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SubjectRe: [PATCH] automatic initcalls
Rusty Russell wrote:
> The more I play with these magic approaches, the more I prefer an
> explicit "Must be done after this" and "must be done before this":
> otherwise we're going to need to keep adding new levels as we discover
> something that doesn't fit in the magic 7.

I've always preferred a system where one simply lists dependencies [as
you describe above], and some program actually does the hard work of
chasing down all the initcall dependency checking and ordering.

Linus has traditionally poo-pooed this so I haven't put any work towards
it... but I still think it's a good idea, and something we will
eventually need as our system grows more complex. If someone stood up
and did the work, it should be pretty easy to generate a human-readable
list of dependencies so we can check the ordering and make sure it's
getting things right.

I wonder if there is some nifty ld feature I'm missing, that could do
this for us...


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