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SubjectRe: 2.4.19-rc2 -> 2.4.19-rc3 : no more eth (fwd)

On Thu, 25 Jul 2002, Andrew Morton wrote:
> This script which someone wrote will break the diff into
> standalone chunks.

This one might work better.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2002, Thunder from the hill <>
# $ld: split-patches,v 0.10.2 2002/06/01 00:40:49 GMT thunder Exp $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Distribution of this script is permitted under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) v2.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# This perl script splits patch files and sorts them as unified format into
# a tree form which is being taken from the patches.

require 5.004;

my @path;

my $i;
my $inbuf;
my $minusline;

my $filename;
my $fullname;
my $plusname;
my $minusname;

my $lines_applied = 0;
my $lines_dropped = 0;
my $lines_converted = 0;

my $fd_open = 0;

while (defined($inbuf = <>)) {
$inbuf =~ s/\r//g;

if ($inbuf =~ /^\+\+\+\s+/) {
# "Control" sequence - decode filename and change it
local ($shortname,$bigpath, $pdate, $mdate) = (0,"","");

$plusname = $inbuf;
$plusname =~ s/^\+\+\+\s+([\w\d\+\-\.\/]+)\s+[\w\d\,\:\s]+[\+\-]?\d*[\w\d\.\,\s\/\(\)\-\+]*$/$1/;

$minusline =~s/\r//g;
$minusname = $minusline;
$minusname =~ s/^\-\-\-\s+([\w\d\+\-\.\/]+)\s+[\w\d\,\:\s]+[\+\-]?\d*[\w\d\.\,\s\/\(\)\-\+]*$/$1/;

if ($plusname eq "/dev/null") {
$filename = $minusname;
} else {
$filename = $plusname;

$fullname = $filename;
@path = split("/", $filename);
$filename = join("/", @path);
$shortname = $path[-1];

for ($i = 0; $i < scalar(@path)-1; $i++) {
if ($i == 0) {
$bigpath = $path[0];
} else {
$bigpath = sprintf("%s/%s", $bigpath, $path[$i]);

if (! -d $bigpath) {
printf(STDERR "Creating directory %s\n", $bigpath);
mkdir($bigpath, 0775);

if ($fd_open) {

if ($minusname eq "/dev/null") {
printf(STDERR "Creating \"%s\"\n", $filename);
} elsif ($plusname eq "/dev/null") {
printf(STDERR "Removing \"%s\"\n", $filename);
} else {
printf(STDERR "Patching \"%s\"\n", $filename);
if (!open(FileDescriptor, sprintf(">%s.diff", $filename))) {
die(sprintf("Error %s opening \"%s\" for writing.\n",$!,$filename));
} else {
$fd_open = 1;

$pdate = $inbuf;
$pdate =~ s/^\+\+\+\s+[\w\d\+\-\.\/]+\s+([\w\d\,\:\s]+[\+\-]?\d*)[\w\d\.\,\s\/\(\)\-\+]*$/$1/;

if (!($pdate =~ /\s[\+\-]\d\d\d\d$/)) {
$pdate .= " +0000";
} else {
$pdate =~ s/[\+\-]\d\d\d\d$/\+0000/;

$mdate = $minusline;
$mdate =~ s/^\+\+\+\s+[\w\d\+\-\.\/]+\s+([\w\d\,\:\s]+[\+\-]?\d*)[\w\d\.\,\s\/\(\)\-\+]*$/$1/;

if (!($mdate =~ /\s[\+\-]\d\d\d\d$/)) {
$mdate .= " +0000";
} else {
$mdate =~ s/[\+\-]\d\d\d\d$/\+0000/;

$pdate =~ s/\r//;
$pdate =~ s/\n//;
$mdate =~ s/\r//;
$mdate =~ s/\n//;

printf(FileDescriptor "diff -Nur %s %s\n--- %s %s\n+++ %s %s\n", $minusname, $plusname, $minusname, $mdate, $plusname, $pdate);
} elsif ($inbuf =~ /^\-\-\-\s+/) {
# Header lines, skip (we had our own version at the beginning
# of the diff split

$minusline = $inbuf;
} elsif ($inbuf =~ /^[\+\- ]/) {
# Unified diff line, just commit
$inbuf =~ s/\n//g;

if ($fd_open) {
printf(FileDescriptor "%s\n", $inbuf);
} else {
if (!$lines_dropped) {
printf("Junk at beginning of patch\n");
} elsif ($inbuf =~ /^[\<\>]/) {
# Convert to unified diff and apply
$inbuf =~ s/\n//g;

$inbuf =~ s/^\</-/;
$inbuf =~ s/^\>/+/;
if ($fd_open) {
printf(FileDescriptor "%s\n", $inbuf);
} else {
if (!$lines_dropped) {
printf("Junk at beginning of patch\n");
} elsif ($inbuf =~ /^@@/) {
# Line section change; apply please
$inbuf =~ s/\n//g;

if ($fd_open) {
printf(FileDescriptor "%s\n", $inbuf);
} else {
if (!$lines_dropped) {
printf("Junk at beginning of patch\n");
} else {

if ($fd_open) {
$fd_open = 0;

printf("\nApplied: %i, dropped: %i, converted: %i\n", $lines_applied, $lines_dropped, $lines_converted);


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