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SubjectRe: type safe lists (was Re: PATCH: type safe(r) list_entry repacement: generic_out_cast)
On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 02:22:32PM +0200, Jakob Oestergaard wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 02:07:45AM +0400, Joshua MacDonald wrote:
> ...
> > This may interest you. We have written a type-safe doubly-linked list
> > template which is used extensively in reiser4. This is the kind of thing that
> > some people like very much and some people hate, so I'll spare you the
> > advocacy.
> Ok, here's my comments:
> *) Using macros like that is ugly as hell, but as I see it it is the
> only way to achieve type safety in such generic code. If the ugliness
> is confined to one header file, and possibly one .c file containing the
> needed instantiations, I would argue that the ugliness is bearable. In
> other words, I think your solution is the prettiest one possible.
> Since all list routines right now are extremely simple, it's probably ok
> to just have it all in a header. If larger routines are added later on,
> it may be desirable to create a .c file holding the needed (macro
> instantiated) routines. In that case, the following applies:
> *) I would suggest making one list_instances.c which holds all the
> INSTANTIATE... definitions of the list types needed in the kernel. This
> way we will avoid having two list codes generated for the same type (an
> easy accident to make with the macro approach)
> *) You would have to somehow separate the "simple" routines which should
> be inlined, and the larger ones which should remain function calls. This
> would mean that a .c file using the list header would have the inline
> functions declared in the list header (using static inline so unused
> routines won't bloat the .o), and find it's larger out-of-line routines
> in the global list .o.
> The reason I'm suggesting doing the above instead of simply
> instantiating a list implementation for each type needed, whenever it is
> needed, is simply to avoid code bloat.
> My only comment for the code would be to require that the link from the
> element into the list would always be called "rx_list_backlink" or
> whatever (if the list name is "rx_list") - the freedom you have in
> specifying what the LINK_NAME is, is useless as I see it, and only adds
> to the confusion.


These are fine suggestions. The debug-only list invariants, the splice
function, and possibly others are definetly candidates for non-static-inline
inclusion. A single list_instances.c file makes a lot of sense (except for
modules--maybe?), and you are right that LINK_NAME is basically useless.

Since this code is already part of reiser4, it is likely to be crititically
reviewed again when Hans begins his push. I will fix the LINK_NAME issue and
change the reiser4-specific assert() calls to generic ones. We welcome


> --
> ................................................................
> : : And I see the elder races, :
> :.........................: putrid forms of man :
> : Jakob Østergaard : See him rise and claim the earth, :
> : OZ9ABN : his downfall is at hand. :
> :.........................:............{Konkhra}...............:
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