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SubjectRe: [PATCH] strict VM overcommit

On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, Alan Cox wrote:
> > How is assured that it's impossible to OOM when the amount of memory
> > shrinks?
> > IOW:
> > - allocate very much memory
> > - "swapoff -a"
> Make swapoff -a return -ENOMEM
> I've not done this on the basis that this is root specific stupidity and
> generally shouldnt be protected against

Recommended reading: MIT's Magazin of Innovation Technology Review,
August 2002 issue, cover story: Why Software Is So Bad?

Next you might read: "... prominent, leading Linux kernel developer
publically labels users stupid instead of handling a special case
[that is ironically used as a workaround for one of the many system
software deficiencies] in what case the system software would hang
using a new feature the developer is about to add and admitted to be
paid for ..."

Adrian would deserve a thanks for spotting and reporting the issue
[and there *are* other use cases for the above mentioned swapoff -a,
some also to overcome kernel bugs].

With all respect, Alan, the critic isn't personal but reaction to a
trendy phenomenon that should be address if developers care about user


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