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    SubjectRe: Tyan s2466 stability
    On Thursday 18 July 2002 07:27 pm, Kelsey Hudson wrote:
    > according to the amd760mpx datasheet, stuff on the 32/33MHz
    > bus isn't allowed to busmaster while the 64/66MHz bus is
    > operating at 66MHz. so that means the 66MHz bus needs to be
    > throttled to 33MHz either via a 3.3V 33MHz card stuck in it,
    > or that pretty blue jumper stuffed on the appropriate FORCE
    > 33MHz header on the board.

    VERY nice info, thanx. ;)

    I'll have to save this info for myself; I've always been planning
    to get a dual Athlon setup sooner or later.

    > these kind of problems will cause things like loss of
    > streaming due to the inability to busmaster. both of my dual
    > athlon systems here at cti have that jumper shorted. sure, i
    > still run into problems, but then again, what chipset for amd
    > processors doesn't have a whole load of issues? overall, i
    > can't say i'm satisfied with any athlon chipset on the market
    > right now. but, the 760mpx has far fewer issues than, say, any
    > garden variety via board. (no comments from the peanut gallery
    > -- my mind is made up and in this respect, your opinion means
    > nothing to me. via sucks. end of story). but, i digress.

    Yes, VIA sucks. I've been lucky so far (all my VIA chipsets can
    be shoe-horned to stability), but it hasn't always been easy.

    > aside from these rather annoying pci quirks and a sensors
    > issue (who in their right mind assigns the same i2c address
    > for two different chips?!) the board works quite well in the
    > configuration i've got it in (beowulf cluster).
    > oh and all the devices on this board are fully acpi
    > controlled. let it be known that i hate acpi, and especially
    > the headaches that it causes me. the stock bios also sucks
    > quite vigorously and should be avoided at all costs (read:
    > upgrade to the latest bios rev immediately).
    > if you need help integrating one of these boards into your
    > system i may be able to provide some insight.

    Is this motherboard using the Phoenix, AMI, or Award BIOS? Award
    is nice and simple and solid; AMI is ok, but often goes too much
    for pretty looks; Phoenix SUCKS in every way possible.

    What other issues have you encountered with this board (and other
    760MP/MPX boards)? So far I've heard of an issue with 3com
    Gigabit cards on some specific model of Tyan 760MP/MPX board,
    but no definite details. I've also heard of lm_sensors people
    having a fair amount of trouble with it.

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