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    SubjectRe: latest linus-2.5 BK broken

    On 19 Jun 2002, Eric W. Biederman wrote:
    > 10-20 years or someone finds a good way to implement a single system
    > image on linux clusters. They are already into the 1000s of nodes,
    > and dual processors per node category. And as things continue they
    > might even grow bigger.

    Oh, clusters are a separate issue. I'm absolutely 100% conviced that you
    don't want to have a "single kernel" for a cluster, you want to run
    independent kernels with good communication infrastructure between them
    (ie global filesystem, and try to make the networking look uniform).

    Trying to have a single kernel for thousands of nodes is just crazy. Even
    if the system were ccNuma and _could_ do it in theory.

    The NuMA work can probably take single-kernel to maybe 64+ nodes, before
    people just start turning stark raving mad. There's no way you'll have
    single-kernel for thousands of CPU's, and still stay sane and claim any
    reasonable performance under generic loads.

    So don't confuse the issue with clusters like that. The "set_affinity()"
    call simply doesn't have anything to do with them. If you want to move
    processes between nodes on such a cluster, you'll probably need user-level
    help, the kernel is unlikely to do it for you.


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