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SubjectRe: es1371 sound problem
Joaquin Rapela wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having problems with a sound card. When I play a sound the machine becomes
> frozen.
> sndconfig tells reports an Ensoniq|ES1371 [AudioPCI-97]
> After my machine recovers from the frozen stage I read the following in
> /var/log/messages:
> May 7 21:34:58 plato kernel: scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 0,
> scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 Write (10) 00 01 05 aa 19 00 00 26 00

Since the log message is from your SCSI card, it would have been helpful
to know what kind of SCSI card you have, and how it and the ES1371 are
mapped in terms of interrupts.

It sounds like your SCSI card and your sound card are on the same
interrupt, and the SCSI card isn't sharing. Perchance is your SCSI card
an ISA card? If so, then you need to tell your computer's BIOS that the
SCSI card's interrupt is "Reserved for legacy ISA" so the sound card
won't be assigned to that interrupt.

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