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SubjectRe: A reply on the RTLinux discussion.
On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 01:31, Roman Zippel wrote:
> I am watching this whole mess already quite some time and I am trying
> very hard to make sense out of this. Victor pretends to be the nice guy
> here, but if one looks closer, one can see how little respect he has for
> the open source community and how much he is only interested in his own
> advantage. Alan, believe me that I am not doing such accusation easily
> and I'm quite aware that I'm not making myself any friends this way, but
> I'm not afraid to speak out what I think. I am thinking very carefully
> about this and I am not taking this easy.

I've met Victor several times including having discussions over open
source philosophy patents and the like. I think he is a good guy. The
patent grant says it can be used for GPL software. As a free software
author I have no problems at all with Victor's patent. If I want to do
proprietary software well shucks, I'm going to have to play by the
proprietary rules. I don't see that anti free software. It might be anti
how convenient I can mix the two and flog it for lots of money, but
thats not free software anyway.

> Victor denies the RTAI people any clear answers about the license.

He told them that if they were not sure they should ask a lawyer. That
sounds to me rather correct advice. What kind of answer do you expect.
There are really only two that might be expected in such a situation,
they I suspect go

"We think you need a license if you use proprietary software
with this" and "Ask a lawyer"

Given the first answer RTAI from their whining on this list would take
the second answer anyway.

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