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    SubjectRe: patent on O_ATOMICLOOKUP [Re: [PATCH] loopable tmpfs (2.4.17)]

    On Sat, 25 May 2002, Daniel Phillips wrote:
    > I'd like to take this opportunity to take a turn back towards the original
    > issue: supposing that Ingo's/Red Hat's patented extension to the dcache is
    > accepted into the kernel. Would not the GPL's patent trap provision
    > prevent Red Hat from distributing the result, unless Red Hat also provides
    > a license for the patent permitting unrestricted use *regardless of
    > commercial or noncommercial use* of the patent in the context of the GPL'd
    > code?


    Patents are bad, but I think peoples "charge the red flag" reactions to
    them are also bad.

    I think it was Alan who just suggested to Andrea that he'd ask for an
    explicit piece of paper _saying_ it was ok, instead of paniccing.

    I don't much like patents, but we're forced to live with them. I suspect
    the best thing we can do is to use them as well as we can. Which is why I
    don't personally think it's a problem that RedHat, FSMlabs etc get

    Can those patents result in trouble? Sure as hell. But let's put it this
    way: I'm a _lot_ happier about a RedHat/FSMlabs patent that gets licensed
    to GPL users than I am about a patent by somebody who would want to screw
    with the GPL.


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