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    SubjectRe: patent on O_ATOMICLOOKUP [Re: [PATCH] loopable tmpfs (2.4.17)]
    On Saturday 25 May 2002 20:13, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
    > In message <20020525134709.L405@marta> Kurt Wall wrote:
    > >
    > > > You can dimiss those who haven't chosen #4 as much as you want and
    > > > find all the reasons to justify your dismissal. It remains that the
    > > > embedded/rt market is closed to Linux because of the current situation.
    > >
    > > That dog won't hunt. There are more players in the Linux embedded/RT space
    > > than RTAI and RTLinux, which you have conveniently overlooked throughout
    > > this entire thread. Maybe at this time none of them are ready for $300
    > > IPO pops, but you can't make the argument that "RT is closed to Linux"
    > > when your only data points are RTAI and RTLinux.
    > ...which are the only available free / GPL solutions. This is reason
    > enough to be scared. And some versions of RTLinux are not even
    > available under GPL (like RTLinux for MPC8xx CPUs). RTAI _is_
    > available, and under GPL, but the reputation is suffering under he
    > patent FUD.

    Speaking for myself, this thread has completely changed my perception of
    RTAI. And yes, I am one of those who was taken in by the FUD. Thankyou
    to Karim for presenting the facts logically, with patience and restraint,
    and I apologize for having listened overly much to the makers of the
    greatest noise.

    I'm particularly interested in the notion that properties we normally
    think of as exclusively the domain of the kernel can be extended to user
    space, in the way that RTAI creates a mechanism for hard realtime
    scheduling, then extends it beyond the boundaries of the kernel. Such
    extension of a state machine rooted in the kernel is powerful and

    When we blur the boundaries of the kernel in this way, we invite the
    question: what is the kernel, really? I see the function of the kernel
    as being increasingly concerned with security, and the real heavy
    lifting increasingly being carried out in user space, with only
    occasional need to cross the kernel boundary, and that mainly for the
    purpose of initializing some mechanism that allows work to be done
    in user space.

    An recent example of this trend is the work on user-space semaphores. A
    less recent example is the X15 html daemon, which reportedly outperforms
    the in-kernel TUX daemon.

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