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SubjectRe: 20275 linux driver patch dated 3/7/2002
Would you please pointing the ioctl() support in our patch more detail?
Attach is our latest patch for Ultra series.
We can discuss that if you got any info.

Best Regards
Hank Yang

----- Original Message -----
From: Hileman, Larry
To: ''
Cc: ''
Sent: 2002?5?24? ?? 05:17
Subject: 20275 linux driver patch dated 3/7/2002

We are seeing some significant problems regarding ioctl() support in
this PDC patch on our 2.4.18 kernel.

Is there a newer patch available, if so, where can I find it? can you
provide the
URL or attach it to a response.

I am sorry that we have not isolated it to the point of giving meaningful
messages, but we will work on that after we get the most recent patch.

Lawrence Hileman
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