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SubjectRe: [RFC/PATCH] improve interaction with ccache
On Mon, 20 May 2002, Keith Owens wrote:

> You are fixing the symptom, not the cause. The symptom is too many
> compiles, people are using ccache to attempt to fix the symptom. The
> cause is a kernel build system that forces people to make clean or
> mrproper between builds instead of reusing existing objects.

Well, I basically never do make clean or make mrproper (unless I'm playing
with the build system itself, there it's of course necessary for testing).

However, I do have a lot of clones of the bk trees around, used to work on
different patches. And of course only few files differ between these
trees, so using ccache is a big win when doing compiles in the various

> You will find that relative include paths completely stuff up
> builds with separate source and object trees. It will also mess up
> people who compile add on code outside the kernel tree, CURDIR is not
> related to TOPDIR.

Well, the current kbuild doesn't do separate source/object, so that's not
an issue. If people compile out of tree things using Rules.make, you're
right, I need to make sure to stick to the absolute path there.


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