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SubjectRE: Compaq Alpha DS10 - Kernel 2.4.18

>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf Of Oliver Pitzeier
>Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 12:20 PM
>Subject: Compaq Alpha DS10 - Kernel 2.4.18
>Hi all!
>I've got a really big problem with kernel 2.4.18 and 2.4.17 on
>an Alpha.
>I can compile, install and boot the kernel on my Alpha.
>But if I shutdown the machine without shutting down the
>system - I know this is crazy, but sometimes this happens...
>So if I'm this mad and restart the machine afterwards, I get
>a lot of fsck errors 'til the system give up and tell's me,
>that I have to check it with fsck myself.
>OK, I did so... fsck -y /dev/sda1 -> Works perfectly. After
>fsck has corrected more than 1000 errors I'm able to
>reboot the machine.
>And than: MY SYSTEM IS NO LONGER BOOTABLE. It's totally
>I never saw the filesystem curruption bug on Intel, but it
>sounds like this.
>Is this the same bug that was on Intel?
>Have I done something wrong?
>Are there any alpha-users in this list? :o))))
>Greetz, I look forward for answers,
> Oliver

Think about one of journaling filesystems: ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs...

Damian Wrobel
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