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SubjectRe: Further WatchDog Updates
Rob Radez wrote:

>On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Corey Minyard wrote:
>>Rob Radez wrote:
>>>Ok, new version of watchdog updates is up at
>>Could the timeout be in milliseconds? A lot of watchdogs have lower
>>resolution, and I have written applications that require a lower
>>resolution than a second. Milliseconds is small enough to not cause
>>problems, but big enough to give a good range of time.
>Not in 2.4, and I wonder if that might be too fine-grained for some
>drivers which have an upper limit of 255 seconds. I also wonder if it
>would be considered ugly to extend WDIOC_SETOPTIONS to have a
>Rob Radez
Why is that too fine grained? You would just set the values from 1000
to 255000 instead of 1 to 255, and round up.

I have a board that sets the time value in wierd times (like 225ms,
450ms, 900ms, 1800ms, 3600ms, etc.). I wouldn't be against the
WDIOS_TIMEINMILLI option, but milliseconds should be good enough for anyone.


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