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SubjectRe: faster boots?
On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Richard Gooch wrote:

> But I *want* to write while the drive is spun down. And leave it spun
> down until the system is RAM starved (or some threshold is reached).

The threshold I hit is how much think time I want to risk. I have no
problem spinning down the drive after inactivity, but the idea of
investing several hours making little changes in a program or proposal
document and then maybe losing them... batteries are just not that

Looking at the blinking of my disk light, it *appears* that by tuning
bdflush you can get a user selected time between sweeps, and use hdparm to
spin down (I assume your laptop doesn't use SCSI!) after a minute or so.
Tuning bdflush somewhat relies on using either -aa or mainline VM, perhaps
version as well. You should be able to only flush every N minutes with any
of them, but the meaning of /sys/vm/bdflush seems somewhat dependent of
code behind it. Still, you should be able to get the behaviour you want
without making it manditory for everyone.

bill davidsen <>
CTO, TMR Associates, Inc
Doing interesting things with little computers since 1979.

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