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SubjectRe: 2.5.8-dj1 with IDE TCQ doesn't survive boot
On Wed, Apr 17 2002, Adam Kropelin wrote:
> Jens,
> Tried 2.5.8-dj1 here with IDE TCQ and it doesn't make it through
> bootup. The lockup (no oops) happens at various places, usually during
> a disk-intensive operation like starting PostgreSQL. Disk & chipset
> detection always goes ok; the lockup is much later in the boot cycle.
> Nothing shows up in the logs.

There are two unknowns for me here -- the IBM model you use has not been
tested, and the adapter is the old PIIX3 core which is untested as well.
There are a few things I would like you to try, if you don't mind.

- First try a later kernel, there have been lots of changes since 2.5.8
wrt TCQ. I've attached a patch against 2.5.8-clean (not -dj1), could
you see if that works for you?

- If that doesn't change anything, please also try and disable

If none of this makes it work, I'm hoping you can setup a serial console
and do some debug logging for me? If you can, I'll let you know how and
what to capture.

Thanks for your report!

Jens Axboe

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