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SubjectRe: [BUG] DEADLOCK when removing a bridge on 2.4.19-pre6
On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 06:53:11PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> Hi,
> *read below for a problem report against the tulip network driver[1]
> It looks like the bridging feature of the kernel has changed between 2.4.17
> and 18.
> I have a machine running 2.4.16 running as a bride without problem. While

Oh, yes s/bride/bridge/ ... Nice one Andreas. Women age so much better
than computers, but are just as much harder to change also. ;)

> testing the network cards for another bridge I had to restart.
> Unfortunately, it didn't complete. Nothing would respond except for sysrq.
> I was able to sync, unmount, and reboot successfully.
> Debian does this for you automatically, but if you do it manually it does
> the same thing.
> o Setup a bridge like normal
> o start it up
> o ifconfig br0 down
> o brctl delbr br0
> *boom*
> 2.4.16,17 work just fine, but 2.4.18 does not. Looking through the
> changelog, 2.4.18-pre4, or 5 look suspect. Also, it is not fixed in
> 2.4.19-pre6. I can test the 2.4.18-pre kernels if you'd like, just let me
> know.
> [1] Also several times I was able to get my tulip network card to stop
> forwarding packets after a soft-reboot from the lockup mentioned above. I

I forgot to mention that on each occourance, if I turn the power off, wait a
few seconds, and turn it back on, all network cards work normally including
tulip. It just looks like the chip isn't setup correctly[2] if it wasn't
already in a known state.

[2] I only say this because a power-down "fixes" the problem whereas a
sysctl-s-u-b soft-reset does not. It could be the bios on this old machine

As requested by Jeff Garzik, I'm going to copy the latest tulip driver from
2.4.19-pre6 to 2.4.17 and test it there. Lennert, I'll test the three
bridgeing patches on top of that and let you know which one(s) cause the
problem with bridge removal.

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