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SubjectRe: SSSCA: We're in trouble now
Rik van Riel wrote:
> On 5 Mar 2002, Trever L. Adams wrote:
> > On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 23:26, Petro wrote:
> > > Do what they tell you, or go to jail. (Well, there is a third
> > > choice, but it would best not be discussed here).
> >
> > And for the safety of those in the USA and around the world,
> > particularly on this list... it is best not to even think about it...
> Wasn't the second amendment created for this purpose ?

Exactly. Last I checked, I can still say and think what I want, but in
some cases it's the way you say it that matters. Your actions also have
bearing on your speach - just saying you're going to revolt is different
than saying it and then actually trying it.

I DO NOT have to do what they tell me, as the Constitution specifically
limits what they can tell me to do. Sure, they can try, they can even
break the law (as the SSSCA and DMCA do) and tell me to do it anyway,
and throw me in jail for not doing it.

The problem - and here I am repeating myself again - is that too many
people _allow_ themselves to be told what to do when what they are being
told is blatantly against the law. It comes down to the Fear Factor once
again, and THAT, I think, is the major driving force behind government
(or other) control.

The first reason the SSSCA will pass (if it does), and the reason the
DMCA did pass, is due to the fact that most people outside of the
technical "geek" community not only didn't (or don't) understand it, but
that they have never even heard of it. The second reason is because
those who do know and understand, kept (or keep) their mouths shut and
don't inform those who don't.

The third, at least in this country, is the piss poor voter
participation. Yesterday within 5 min. - the time it took me to go to
the polls, vote, and come home - I met no less than 5 people who freely
admitted to not voting and appearing to be proud of it. But that's
another issue altogether, and borders on OT.

Paul G. Allen
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Random Logic/Dream Park
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