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SubjectRe: 2.5.7 make modules_install error (oss)
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:

>On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, J Sloan wrote:
>>Agreed, the oss drivers should _at least_
>>be maintained as an alternative, e.g. for
>>those of us who want reliable sound with
>>*low latency*
>>I haven't checked lately, but not too long
>>ago the alsa drivers were found to be one
>>of the worst sources of latency in the kernel.
>You should really take care about your words. You've not written any
>technical reason to say these sentences.
Fair enough - I don't see any technical
reasons why alsa *couldn't* perform as
well, latency wise, as oss.

>We are not aware about any
>problems against low-latency.
Some folks on this list had been doing latency
profiling on their kernels during the past year
(sorry, I don't remember the exact dates) and
surprisingly the alsa driver was showing up
as one of the top sources of latency - IIRC one
possible explanation was "in-kernel mixing".

>Sure, OSS API emulation is only emulation,
>so there is additional layer which can be a bit slower than simplified
>native OSS drivers, but using ALSA API, we get really serious latencies
>even for multichannel hardware.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll have to do some
testing of my own and see what the situation
is at this point - I'd be very happy to learn that
my concerns are outdated and already resolved.


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