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SubjectRe: SSSCA: We're in trouble now
Replying to Thomas Hood:
> The problem is that copy-protection will only be effective
> if you impose Soviet style restrictions on the use of computers.

I lived in times when even typewriters (and SURELY copiers) all had to be
registered in a 'competent organizations'.

> Certain powerful corporations want effective copy-protection.
> Ergo, those powerful corporations will want to impose Soviet
> style restrictions on the use of computers.
> The attempt will ultimately fail. So did the Soviet Union, but
> in the meantime the attempt to make it work was, and will be,
> something of an inconvenience.

social contract (right?). we pay govt so they will protect us against
disasters, foreign enemies nad crime.
that thing transformed into counter-thing. govt thinks that crowd is
dumb-silent and finally about 160 millions of slaves (or prisoners).
this is the 'final destination' to which lead such attempts of total control

unfortunately 98% don't care about such things. they sit on their g-spots
and drink vodka (or something). they DON'T NEED computers. or anything else
except their drinks.

and govt surely prefer that all citizens became such silent lambs. and
easy controlled idiots.

the one difference between govt and corporations - corporations want
citizens become idiots that generate money and gift it to a corporate CEO :)
Paul P 'Stingray' Komkoff 'Greatest' Jr // (icq)23200764 // (irc)Spacebar
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