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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Futexes IV (Fast Lightweight Userspace Semaphores)

Rusty Russell wrote:

>Discussions with Ulrich have reaffirmed my opinion that pthreads are
>crap. Hence I'm not all that tempted to warp the (nice, clean,
>usable) futex code too far to meet pthreads' wierd needs.
Crap or not, there are tons of software based on pthreads and at least
the NGPT team says that Linus
agreed to implement for necessary kernel-infrastructure for a full, fast
pthread implementation.

Now, if you want to implement mutexes and condition variables with the attribute
PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED then you need some functionality like the futexes.
Or NGPT will add his own syscalls to handle these things, which is simply
unnecessary double functionality.

>However, it's not too hard to implement condition variables using an
>unavailable mutex, if we go for "full" semaphores: ie. not just
>mutexes. It requires a bit more of a stretch for kernel atomic ops...
A full semaphore is nice, but not a full replacement for a waitqueue (or
a pthread condition variable brr..).
For the semaphore you always have to assure that the ups and downs are
balanced, what is not the case
for the condition variable.


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