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SubjectRe: Kernel SCM: When does CVS fall down where it REALLY matters?
On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Larry McVoy wrote:

>Arch has a concept of an "inode" quite similar to BitKeeper, in fact
>one wonders where the idea came from :-)
Oh please. I've used the concept of an "inode" for years when modeling
the information related to filesystem attributes simply because that is
what the filesystem itself uses, and when modeling something in a
filesystem the concept is self evident. I'm certain that every deep
version control system has a similar model (i.e. Clearcase which
explicitly is a filesystem)... It's not as if people are unaware of the
deficiencies of CVS and other free software version control systems,
they simply haven't yet invested the time to polish them because the
development cost failed the cost benefit analysis test for them.

I must give you credit for stirring things up and showing how great the
benefits are of a polished SCM system to the free software community.
However, between my computer science background and use of various
commercial SCM systems I see great polish and followthrough in
bitkeeper, but not much true originality. In other words your dig at
Tom was really out of line.


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