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SubjectRe: [bk patch] Make cardbus compile in -pre4
On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 12:29:20AM -0700, Andreas Dilger wrote:
> Yes, that would be my thought as well. Sadly, running the command
> bk send -d -r+ -wgzip_uu -
> does not work as I would _hope_ it would, namely putting a regular context
> diff at the beginning of the email, and gzip_uu for only the CSET.

Whoops, that's a bug. Type "bk sendbug" and send us a bug report, we'll
fix it. Sorry about that.

> > But this is still a trial run of BK, so who knows what will wind up to
> > be the best policy for casual submitters.
> >
> > And there's nothing wrong at all with sending GNU patches...
> Oh, I agree that for people without BK they can keep sending patches.

It occurs to me that there is no reason you can't generate a regular
patch from BK and mail it to the list w/ the changeset comments. That
keeps all the non-BK users perfectly happy, nothing has changed for
them and they can use BK or not as they see fit. In addition, you can
send off a BK patch to Linus and/or stuff a patch into a publicly
available BK tree and point him at it.

If you all can reach any sort of concensus on what is a pleasant patch
format for non-BK users, just tell me, and I'll make sure BK can generate
that sort of patch easily.

> This might also be possible if BK could export/import a whole changeset
> in patch form, plus some magic stuff at the beginning/end (gzip_uu) which
> had all of the BK metadata in it, but I don't know if that is possible or
> desirable.

Well, send -d is essentially that - it's two patches, a GNU patch and a
BK patch. It was a mistake for us to wrap the whole thing, we should
leave the regular diffs alone and just wrap the BK stuff. We can do
Larry McVoy lm at
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