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SubjectRe: pull vs push (was Re: [bk patch] Make cardbus compile in -pre4)
> a password.  I know about ssh-agent but that doesn't help for this, 
> I know that in certain cases ssh lets me in without anything. I thought
> there was some routine where you ssh-ed one way and then the other way
> and it left enough state that it trusted you, does any ssh genuis out
> there know what I'm talking about? If I have this, I can set up the
> cron job, I'm sure this is obvious and I'm just overlooking something
> but I can't find it.

For the paranoid

You ssh from the source to an untrusted chrooted nopriv uid on the target
using a ssh pass phrase and ipchains static ip rules to allow only some
IP's access

A cron or other triggered job on the receiving machine checks the GPG
signatures of the uploaded data and moves/processes it if it matches or
if the key matches blocks off that machine and ID and mails the admin.

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