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SubjectRe: cs46xx on ThinkPad A22m and poor quality output
Doug Alcorn <> writes:

> The other problem maybe hardware. Like I said, the sound was
> crystal clear. Recently, the output sounds like I blew out my
> speakers. At first I thought it was my crappy headphones. I
> unplugged the headphones and the internal speakers sound the same
> way. It's just at the higher-levels of output (when my xmms eq
> display has lines that peak) it sounds fuzzy. The other interesting
> thing is that streamed audio sounds much worse than my actual mp3
> files. Is it possible the card got smoked?

I hate to follow up to my own post; however, I managed to get the card
working well with the alsa cs46xx driver. This would imply to me that
it's a bug in the linux kernel driver for the cs46xx (is this referred
to as the oss driver?).

BTW, someone suggested I simply turn the volume down using the
hardware buttons on the keyboard. The poor sound quality is really
irrespective of the speaker volume. Maybe this wasn't clear when I
talked about the "higher-levels of output". I'm not sure about the
right vocabulary. I guess it's the power output on the individual
frequency bands.
(__) Doug Alcorn (
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