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    SubjectRe: Disgusted with kbuild developers
    On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 05:04:59PM -0500, Eric S. Raymond wrote:

    > And you've completely ignored the real problem...which is when I get
    > a text change for one tree, *how do I automatically propagate it to
    > the other*? How do I *tell* that it ought to be propagated?

    Depends on the context of the change.
    In a majority of cases the answer is RTFC.
    If this is too much effort, rethink your outlook on whats
    involved as 'maintainer' of something like the's.

    This is precisely the reason that splitting them was the best
    thing that could have happened. They are now maintained by
    the people who actually *know* whats involved, so you don't have to.

    > Solutions that involve me doing an arbitrary and increasing amount of
    > hand-hacking on every release are right out.

    Reading diffs and finding out why things changed, and following
    conversations on Linux-kernel are the only way you'll know if
    something is relevant in other trees. If you've a robot that can
    do this, I'm all ears, as it could save me hours each day.

    | Dave Jones.
    | SuSE Labs
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