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SubjectRe: How to check the kernel compile options ?
On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Horst von Brand wrote:

> Daniel Phillips <> said:
> > On February 12, 2002 05:38 pm, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> [...]

My idea is to take the .config file and remove most of its
redundancy and unnecessary verbage. Then, the result is
compressed and written to a constant global array, linked
into the kernel. Both the array and the array length will then
be available from /proc/kcore for user-mode tools to recreate the
.config file.

Here are tools and a test/documentation script that shows it
will work. The .config on my machine generates a 1730 byte
array. This is certainly small enough to not be considered

The advantage, of course is that if you are executing the kernel,
it can give you all the information necessary to recreate a
new one from the sources because its .config is embeded into
itself. Once you have the ".config" file, you just do `make oldconfig`
and you are home free.

Dick Johnson

Penguin : Linux version 2.4.1 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).

I was going to compile a list of innovations that could be
attributed to Microsoft. Once I realized that Ctrl-Alt-Del
was handled in the BIOS, I found that there aren't any.

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