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    SubjectBitkeeper change granularity (was Re: A modest proposal -- We need a patch penguin)
    On Friday 01 February 2002 06:30 am, Rik van Riel wrote:
    > On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Horst von Brand wrote:
    > > I wonder how your commercial customers develop code then. Either each
    > > programmer futzes around in his/her own tree, and then creates a patch
    > > (or some such) for everybody to see (then I don't see the point of
    > > source control as a help to the individual developer), or everybody
    > > sees all the backtracking going on everywhere (in which case the
    > > repository is a mostly useless mess AFAICS).
    > If the object is to minimise confusion by not showing
    > back-tracked changes, why not simply allow the user
    > to mark changesets with a "visibility":
    > 1) hidden, for stuff which shouldn't be seen by default,
    > like backed out changes, etc..
    > 2) small, individual development steps to achieve a new
    > feature
    > 3) normal, the normal commits
    > 4) major (tagged versions ?)
    > This way the user can select how detailed the overview
    > of the versions should be.

    A workaround, not a fix.

    First of all, not everybody's got a 100 gigabyte drive, cable modem, and
    Athlon 900 yet. You're talking about potentially taking accidental cruft
    from everybody who uses bitkeeper in 5 years. Some countries still pay for
    data by the byte, and big servers like still care about bandwidth
    issues a lot.

    Yeah data storage and transfer, and the memory and CPU power to churn through
    it, is getting cheaper all the time. But we're talking about expending
    resources shoveling information that even the original developer considers
    completely pointless to maintain and propogate. Your bitkeeper repositories
    could become enormous. The amount of proagated state would at least by
    multiplied by the number of developers working on the tree who use bitkeeper,
    meaning spreading the use of bitkeeper would have distinct downsides. The
    result is that maintainers/lieutenants/linus would almost certainly want to
    take a clean patch rather than a bitkeeper cruftball, on the size and
    cleanliness issue alone.

    Secondly, it makes Linus's code review job a LOT harder to have unnecessary
    data in his change sets. And of course you could say "Linus would never have
    to look at that info", but you'd be wrong. Stupid example: Somebody patches
    a file to include a copy of decss (or encryption code, or the copyrighted
    ramblings of the lawsuit-happy cult of scientology) and then adds another
    patch to revert it before making a small fix to the file. The bitkeeper
    change now includes legally questionable code in its back-history, a hot
    potato we probably REALLY don't want to be involved with.

    You don't have to worry about malicious use to see a problem. For-profit
    intellectual property companies generally want to be really clear about what
    code they export. Think about proprietary drivers that get "cleaned up"
    before being released under the GPL, with the removal code licensed from
    third parties, or patented, or still-proprietary code. If they can't
    collapse changesets, they simply can't use bitkeeper change sets when
    communicating source code with anyone outside their organization. Ever. End
    of story. Who knows what code might slip through otherwise? They have to
    audit the entire revision history rather than just the patch they mean to
    send. That's a nightmare. The lawyers would never approve ANYTHING for
    release, except as a patch file.

    So Linus wouldn't want it, for-profit companies wouldn't want to give it to
    Linus, developers on the end of a 56k modem wouldn't want it, and it could
    potentially cost sites a lot of extra bandwidth and data storage
    charges. This is in exchange for a the possibility that some future
    archeologist or grad student might want to mine the history for anecdotes to
    put in the biography of some developer.

    (I'm writing a history book, by the way. I know all about having 10x as much
    detail as you are ever going to use, because I -AM- the researcher. Go visit
    the charles babbage institute at the university of minnesota sometime. It's
    great, but it's not actually all that useful unless you really are looking
    for something specific...)

    Another random anecdote on the subject...

    > Also, when viewing a changeset/version of a certain
    > priority, bitkeeper could optionally "fold in" the
    > hidden changesets between the last changeset and the
    > one the user wants to view.
    > Would this be a workable scheme ?

    Depends on your definition of "workable". It's certainly an improvement, but
    it's still not a fix for the fundamental design assumption in bitkeeper.
    When I do NOT want to propagate my internal state to the rest of the world, I
    seem to have no choice in the matter except by NOT using bitkeeper to
    transfer the data.

    I agree that the ability to at least hide stuff would be an improvement. And
    it should be easily implementable in combination with a checkpoint/tagging
    mechanism (it's just a view issue), but it's still working around a fault in
    bitkeeper that it has no real infrastructure for collapsing together change
    sets in a way that intentionally loses information when that really is what
    you want to do. The most it could do is hide the problem.

    > (keeps the bitkeeper repository intact, can reduce
    > the confusion)

    Yeah. But the point is that people often honestly do not want to keep the
    bitkeeper repository intact.

    Think about partitioning into different repositories, to do development in
    different branches. If people don't want to be able to partition their data,
    bitkeeper wouldn't have the concept of multiple repositories on the same
    machine, would it? You can partition data when you store it, but not
    partition it when you propagate it. (The concept here is "this info does not
    leave my tree". This is a concept people really do want.)

    It's possible this could be handled by doing ALL new development work in a
    seperate repository, and then ONLY exporting patches from that repository and
    never doing bitkeeper repository merges. But it's still working around a
    design flaw in bitkeeper. The way bitkeeper is designed forces you to retain
    cruft you don't want, and actively tries to prevent you from being able to
    get rid of any of it. I.E. there are things you can do with "diff" and
    "patch", fairly easily, which are not possible to do without bypassing

    I can see the mindset that went into that, but I disagree with it.

    > regards,
    > Rik


    (P.S. You know, If larry gave us the code to bitkeeper, I'm sure we could
    add the features we wanted.... :)

    (P.P.S. Yeah, I know the story on that one, just tweaking his nose...)
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