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SubjectRe: [BENCHMARK] max bomb segment tuning with read latency 2 patch in contest
Hash: SHA1

>Con Kolivas wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Here are some io_load contest benchmarks with 2.4.20 with the read
>> latency2 patch applied and varying the max bomb segments from 1-6 (SMP
>> used to save time!)
>> io_load:
>> Kernel [runs] Time CPU% Loads LCPU% Ratio
>> 2.4.20 [5] 164.9 45 31 21 4.55
>> 2420rl2b1 [5] 93.5 81 18 22 2.58
>> 2420rl2b2 [5] 88.2 87 16 22 2.44
>> 2420rl2b4 [5] 87.8 84 17 22 2.42
>> 2420rl2b6 [5] 100.3 77 19 22 2.77
>If the SMP machine is using scsi then that tends to make the elevator
>changes less effective. Because the disk sort-of has its own internal
>elevator which in my testing on a Fujitsu disk has the same ill-advised
>design as the kernel's elevator: it treats reads and writes in a similar

These are ide disks, in the same format as those used in the UP machine, so it
still should be showing the same effect? I think higher numbers in UP would
increase the resolution more for these results - apart from that is there any
disadvantage to doing it in SMP? If you think it's worth running them in UP
mode I'll do that.

>Setting the tag depth to zero helps heaps.
>But as you're interested in `desktop responsiveness' you should be
>mostly testing against IDE disks. Their behavour tends to be quite
>If you can turn on write caching on the SCSI disks that would change
>the picture too.
>> io_other:
>> Kernel [runs] Time CPU% Loads LCPU% Ratio
>> 2.4.20 [5] 89.6 86 17 21 2.47
>> 2420rl2b1 [3] 48.1 156 9 21 1.33
>> 2420rl2b2 [3] 50.0 149 9 21 1.38
>> 2420rl2b4 [5] 51.9 141 10 21 1.43
>> 2420rl2b6 [5] 52.1 142 9 20 1.44
>> There seems to be a limit to the benefit of decreasing max bomb segments.
>> It does not seem to have a significant effect on io load on another hard
>> disk (although read latency2 is overall much better than vanilla).
>hm. I'm rather surprised it made much difference at all to io_other,
>because you shouldn't have competing reads and writes against either

Some of the partitions are mounted on that other disk as well so occasionally
it is involved in the kernel compile.

/dev/hda8 on / type ext3 (rw)
none on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw)
none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0620)
/dev/hda7 on /home type ext3 (rw)
/dev/hda5 on /tmp type ext3 (rw)
/dev/hdb5 on /usr type ext3 (rw)
/dev/hdb1 on /var type ext3 (rw)

The testing is done from /dev/hda7 and io_load writes to /dev/hda7, io_other
writes to /dev/hdb1

Unfortunately this is the way the osdl machine was set up for me. I should
have been more specific in my requests but I didnt realise they were doing
this. There isn't really that much spare space on the two drives to shuffle
the partitioning around and contest can use huge amounts of space during
testing :\

>The problem with io_other should be tickling is where `gcc' tries to
>allocate a page but ends up having to write out someone else's data,
>and gets stuck sleeping on the disk queue due to the activity of
>other processes. (This doesn't happen much on a 4G machine, but it'll
>happen a lot on a 256M machine).
>But that's a write-latency problem, not a read-latency one.

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