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SubjectRe: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kills machine not X. ACPI?
Alex Bennee wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 12:38, XI wrote:
>>Alex Bennee wrote:
>>>I've been running into problems with my machine locking up in X but
>>>however I have been unable to diagnose it because the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
>>>key sequence kills my whole machine (i.e. powers it down).
>>>I've done some searching on google but haven't been able to find any
>>>references except a one errata note for Mandrake that mentions disabling
>>>the APIC which I tried and had no effect.
>>>The Ctrl-Alt-Backspace sequence will power down my machine at any point
>>>(BIOS Self-test, Grub, Console mode or X) but doesn't to it once Windows
>>>is running. I have a suspicion that this is ACPI related but even with
>>>acpi=off and apm=off flags is can still stop the box which can't be
>>>right. Any pointers? I stand ready to provide any additional data.
>>I have a P.C. with short-cut CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to shutdown in bios. I
>>can't find how to disable it, and I don't know if it works under windoze.
>>I think you have the same kind of stupid bios. no?
> The machine is a Fujitsu/Siemens based around the GA-8STXCFS motherboard
> running the latest Award BIOS 6.0PG. And yes, there is no option to
> actually disable ACPI, just change modes for S1 to S3 (shutdown vs
> suspend to RAM IIRC).
> What machine have you got? Do you also experience lockups in X because
> I'm wondering if the 2 are related.

I can't remember the brand and the model of the motherboard, but it is
based on a SIS chipset. (the machine is at 1000km over). The machine
isn't a Fujitsu, it's a "no name" machine.

I didn't remember any X lookup, I was running a mdk8.1, the machine is
quite stable.


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