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    SubjectRe: [RFT][PATCH] generic device DMA implementation

    >>- There's no analogue to pci_pool, and there's nothing like
    >> "kmalloc" (likely built from N dma-coherent pools).
    > I didn't want to build another memory pool re-implementation. The mempool API
    > seems to me to be flexible enough for this, is there some reason it won't work?

    I didn't notice any way it would track, and return, DMA addresses.
    It's much like a kmem_cache in that way.

    > I did consider wrappering mempool to make it easier, but I couldn't really
    > find a simplifying wrapper that wouldn't lose flexibility.

    In My Ideal World (tm) Linux would have some kind of memory allocator
    that'd be configured to use __get_free_pages() or dma_alloc_coherent()
    as appropriate. Fast, efficient; caching pre-initted objects; etc.

    I'm not sure how realistic that is. So long as APIs keep getting written
    so that drivers _must_ re-invent the "memory allocator" wheel, it's not.

    But ... if the generic DMA API includes such stuff, it'd be easy to replace
    a dumb implementation (have you seen pci_pool, or how usb_buffer_alloc
    works? :) with something more intelligent than any driver could justify
    writing for its own use.

    - Dave

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