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SubjectRe: Linux v2.5.52
> > Trying to track two seperate source tree's isn't as easy as you might think.
> In fact it's not difficult at all with a proper SCM, a bit of care and the
> right attitude. I merge the changes from XFS (and about half a donzend
> XFS-related repositories inside SGI that all need proper merging / keeping
> in sync) to Linus all the time. And by keeping the changesets (or atomic
> commits in SVN terminlogoy) as one patch each, hand-editing as needed when
> merge conflicts arrive that works very well, even if I had been away and
> the changes for four weeks need merging or as now we're five patchlevels
> away from Linus tree (at 2.5.47). I've not lost a single upstream change
> with that merge policy yet.
> And no, that's no BK advertisment, SGI uses a RCS-based SCM internally and
> I use unfied diffs to get it into a staging repository for Linus to pull.

When someone pays me to work fulltime on Linux1394, I'll give it that
much time. Until then I have to make due with what time I have. If I
miss things because people would rather send patches to Linus than me,
it isn't my fault, but I'll do my best to fix it up.

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