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    SubjectRe: R: Kernel bug handling TCP_RTO_MAX?
    You're going to make lots of IETFer's really annoyed by suggesting that :-)

    Honestly, there are lots of other ways to solve this, and it would be nice
    if the IETF's recent additions got implemented; there are many relevant
    things going on there. Those interested should just talk to the draft
    authors about implementing things. It's an open organisation just like
    linux-kernel after all, just a bit more formal.

    In a closed network, why not have SOCK_STREAM map to something faster than
    TCP anyway? That is, if I connect(address matching localnet), SOCK_STREAM
    maps to (eg) SCTP. That would be a far more dramatic performance hack!


    --On Friday, December 13, 2002 12:46:15 +0100 Bogdan Costescu
    <> wrote:

    > On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, David S. Miller wrote:
    >> This is well understood, the problem is that BSD's coarse timers are
    >> going to cause all sorts of problems when a Linux stack with a reduced
    >> MIN RTO talks to it.
    > Sorry to jump into the discussion without a good understanding of inner
    > workings of TCP, I just want to share my view as a possible user of this:
    > one of the messages at the beginning of the thread said that this would
    > be useful on a closed network and I think that this point was overlooked.
    > Think of a closed network with only Linux machines on it (world
    > domination, right :-)) like a Beowulf cluster, web frontends talking to
    > NFS fileservers, web frontends talking to database backends, etc. Again
    > as proposed earlier, border hosts (those connected to both the closed
    > network and outside one) could change their communication parameters
    > based on device or route and this would become an internal affair that
    > would not affect communication with other stacks.
    > I don't want to suggest to make this the default behaviour; rather, have
    > it a parameter that can be changed by the sysadmin and have the current
    > value as default.
    > --
    > Bogdan Costescu
    > IWR - Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
    > Universitaet Heidelberg, INF 368, D-69120 Heidelberg, GERMANY
    > Telephone: +49 6221 54 8869, Telefax: +49 6221 54 8868
    > E-mail: Bogdan.Costescu@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De
    > -
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