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SubjectRe: dmfs for 2.5.51

On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 05:26:19PM -0800, Greg KH wrote:
> Here's a patch against 2.5.51 with a updated dmfs.

I've split out your two changes into seperate patches (patches 21 and
22) and made them available here:

> with the following modifications:
> - fixed compile time warnings with the dbg() macro (something
> better should be used here, I just commented it out...)

I'm not seeing any warnings, which compiler version are you using ?

> - changed the dev file to print out the kdev value, not be the
> actual block device.

Should we really be exporting a kdev_t to userland, why not just print out



> With regards to the last change, I didn't follow the way the other files
> operate with their complex page creation structure, as this is only a
> simple one line file. If the lvm developers want me to change this, I
> will.

What you've done looks fine to me, though allocating a whole page to
hold a single number seems overkill. Why don't you just snprintf into
a char[] held on the stack ?

> If not, I would argue that a number of the other files created
> should be changed to use this simpler format. Or is there some reason
> for creating these lists of pages that I'm missing?

The files can be larger than a single page, which complicates things

- Joe
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