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    SubjectRe: Symlink indirection
    On Fri, 2002-12-13 at 10:23, Richard B. Johnson wrote:

    > Since a symlink is just a file containing a name, the resulting path
    > length is simply the maximum path length that user-space tools allow.
    > This should be defined as "PATH_MAX". Posix defines this as 255 characters
    > but I think posix requires that this be the minimum and all file-name
    > handling buffers must be at least PATH_MAX in length.

    Small nit here, the Posix draft I have says that the definition shall be
    omitted from the <limits.h> header on specific implementation where the
    corresponding value is equal or greater than the stated minimum, but
    where the value can vary depending on the file to which it is applied.

    Please don't ever rely on PATH_MAX existing. pathconf() is a better
    tool. We spend a lot of time chasing authors to explain to them why it
    really is okay for the Hurd (i386-pc-gnu)'s libc to omit this

    Jeff Bailey

    When you get to the heart,
    use a knife and fork.
    - From instructions on how to eat an artichoke.
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