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    SubjectNeed assistance in determining memory usage
    Greetings all.

    I have been asked a question by some of the developers in my
    organization and after searching Google, scouring the Linux newsgroups,
    and searching as many mailing list archives and howtos as I could find,
    I still cannot find a satisfactory answer to the following question:

    Q. How can you determine how much memory a process is using at a given
    point in time? Specifically, I want to know of a method or tool that
    will tell me how much total memory a process is using, how much of that
    total is shared with other processes, how much is resident, and how much
    is swapped out.

    Please don't say to just use ps or top, because if either of these tools
    was adequate, I wouldn't be asking here and every reference I could find
    indicates that this is not a trivial problem. There were also
    indications I found while searching that these tools do not always
    report memory numbers accurately. If there is a way to determine this
    information using /proc, this would be ideal, since I could then
    conceivably create a script or simple program that could determine the
    answer given the process ID, which is what the developers here really

    If you can assist me in determining the answer to this question, I would
    greatly appreciate it. Please note that I am far from being a kernel
    expert (being just a lowly systems administrator), so please keep make
    your explanations as detailed as possible.

    Tom S.

    | Tom Schenk | A positive attitude may not solve all your |
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