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    SubjectRe: A Kernel Configuration Tale of Woe
    On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 08:05:31PM +0000, Alan Cox wrote:
    > On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 19:28, Dennis Grant wrote:
    > > Agreed - so then the association between "board" and "chipset" must be capable
    > > of being multi-valued, and when there is a mult-valued match there must be some
    > > means of further interrogating the user (or user agent) for more information.
    > Much simpler to just include "modular everything" and let user space
    > sort it out. Guess why every vendor takes this path

    Is there a tool though to map bus (PCI,USB etc) id's back
    onto modules which are likely[1] contain driver for them.

    Given that many driver contain the Ids of the devices they will handle
    within their source, if this tool doesn't exist it could be built
    by ask modules to define a test_id function used both by themselves
    in the normal (ie , called in place of the code it moves into a
    seperate fucntion) way and compiled into a user space utility from the
    same kernel source.


    [1] Only likely, having met the nasty case of different
    hardware with the same PCMCIA id, and PCI hardware which has
    a range of Ids associated with it.
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