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SubjectRe: [Q] is framebuffer console code in 2.5.4x functional ?

> > > console doesn't show a single pixel.
> >
> > :-( Can you post your .config file.
> Attached.

Hm. Strange. It should work. Can you get serial console working?

> I did some changes to sgivwfb.c to make it compilable, patch attached.
> Can you take a look at it ?

Applied your patch to the BK tree.

> > I will be posting a new fbdev patch today against 2.5.48 today. Giev it a
> > try.
> Didn't see proposed fbdev patch yet :(

Sorry about that. You are not the only one that has asked me. Also I
keep getting lots of error reports about drivers being broken. The problem
is having enough time. For example I haven't found the time to create this
patch. This brings up a serious point which I have been wrestling with. The
framebuffer layer has been broken for a long time durning the 2.5.X cycle.
The problem is both maintainers of this subsystem, Geert and I, both have
very little time to work on it. For both of us we don't work on the
framebuffer code for a living. I work with wireless networking cards. I
work 8 hours a day on networking code and travel 3 hours total every day
to work. Including eating a sleeping and I have at most 1 to 2 hours a day
to work on the framebuffer stuff. Weekends I have to do other survial
things like buy food. So the framebuffer developement has gone at a
snail pace and will continue to do so unless things change. I estimate
about 20+ more versions before the framebuffer layer properly works.
It pains me that this is happening. I really enjoy working on the
framebuffer and console layer. So I have been thinking about what to
do ? One which is the most likely is to step down from maintaintership
and hope someone else who can devote there full time and energy to it
can take over. Will someone else take over? I seriously doubt it. We all
have to make a living and that means working on things the linux industry
cares about which is only server stuff. So I except the framebuffer layer
will go into serious code decay. So the best situtation which I except to
happen is that I finish as much as I can for the fbdev layer and then
step down.
I have tried to look for work locallly (can't really affored to move
cross country very few years) relating to the framebuffer layer. In my
search I only found one company that seemed interested in this developement,
strangeberry ( I sent them my resume but
never heard from them. As for funding I serious doubt that would happen
since it isn't server related. The reality is for proper maintiance of any
subsystem you need people hired to solely work to keep it going.
Unfortunely the framebuffer layer is one of those few ones that doesn't
have that.

MS: (n) 1. A debilitating and surprisingly widespread affliction that
renders the sufferer barely able to perform the simplest task. 2. A disease.

James Simmons [] ____/|
fbdev/console/gfx developer \ o.O| =(_)= U

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