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SubjectRe: [rfc] epoll interface change and glibc bits ...
On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Edgar Toernig wrote:

> > You get EEXIST
> > Well, there's the remote possibility, trying very badly from two threads,
> > to add the same fd twice. It is an harmless condition though.
> Just IMHO: I would prefer a different behaviour:
> int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int fd, int events)
> which registers interest for "events" on "fd" and retuns previous
> registered events for that fd (implies that the fd is removed when
> "events" is 0) or -1 for error.
> If you don't like it, at least an EP_CTL_GET should be added though.
> Btw, what errno for an invalid fd (not epfd)?

I don't like things to happen for magic bits conditions. EPOLL_CTL_ADD
requires the same code internally and is more clear for the user. If
someone won't shoot me before, I think the final interface will be :

#include <bits/poll.h>


#define EPOLL_CTL_ADD 1
#define EPOLL_CTL_DEL 2
#define EPOLL_CTL_MOD 3

struct epoll_fd {
int fd;
unsigned short events;
unsigned short revents;
__uint64_t obj;

int epoll_create(int size);
int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, struct epollfd *pfd);
int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epollfd *events, int maxevents, int timeout);

Ulrich, is it right for you or do you want EPOLL* bits to be directly
defined as numbers instead of assuming the POLL* vaules ?

At the very end the opaque object might help in many cases while it won't
hurt other cases.

> > You might find your machine a little bit frozen :)
> > Either 1) I remove the read lock from poll() or 2) I check the condition
> > at insetion time to avoid it. I very much prefer 2)
> Hehe, sure. But could become tricky: someone may build a circular chain
> of epoll-fd-sets.

It'll be possible to add epfd1 inside epfd2, not epfd1 inside epfd1.

> > I'd say yes. SCM_RIGHTS should simply do an in-kernel file* to remote task
> > descriptor mapping.
> And what happens then? Will the set refers to the fds from the sender
> process or of fds of the receiving process (which may not even have
> all those fds open)?

Uhm !? It'll refer to files opened on the other process. To handle this
correctly we should prevent an epoll file to be passed with SCM_RIGHTS in
net/core/scm.c. I mean, no catastrophic things should happen, only the
interface won't work correctly. I don't know if the extra handling code is
worth, but we should definitely put this inside epoll(2).

> Another btw, what happens on close of an fd? Will it get removed from all
> epoll-fd-sets automatically?

Yes, obviously.

- Davide

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