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SubjectRe: Oracle 9.2 OOMs again at startup in 2.5.4[78]

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Alessandro Suardi wrote:
> The web interface seems to be at fault (or is it your fingers ;)
> from my saved mail with Linus and yourself I have...

No, what is at fault is thinking that the BK revision numbers mean
anything. They don't.

A BK revision number is _purely_ local to the tree it was gotten off, and
will be meaningless after a merge of two trees have happened. The only
thing that really means anything in BK is the "ChangeSet key", which is a
truly unique identifier, and is painful as hell to type because of that.

In this case, the key for the changeset that Alessandro was talking about

(currently revision 1.373.214.73 in my tree) and the key for the fix is|ChangeSet|20021001154212|00224

(currently 1.573.94.1 in my tree).

You can see the key's with "bk changes -k", or if you want to see a
combination of keys etc you can do more fancy stuff (I used

bk changes -d":KEY: ':REV:'\n:AUTHOR:\n:COMMENTS:\n" | less

to search for comments and key information, in case you care).

Thus endeth BK 101.


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