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SubjectRe: md on shared storage
On 11/13/02 08:25, Brian Jackson wrote:
> Here's a question for all those out there that are smarter than me(so I
> guess that's most of you then :) I looked around (google, kernel source,
> etc.) trying to find the answer, but came up with nothing.
> Does the MD driver work with shared storage? I would also be interested
> to know if the new DM driver works with shared storage(though I must
> admit I didn't really try to answer this one myself, just hoping
> somebody will know).

They should work, obviously with some caveats. Having 2 hosts both
trying to reconstruct the same md RAID1 may cause some troubles.

> I ask because I seem to be having some strange problems with an md
> device on shared storage(Qlogic FC controllers). The qlogic drivers spit
> out messages for about 20-60 lines then the machines lock up. So the
> drivers were my first suspicion, but they were working okay before. So I
> went back and got rid of the md device and now everything is working
> again. Anybody got any ideas?

Could be a stack related problem with the qlogic driver. The additional
stack pressure of the md layer perhaps ?? The 20-60 lines of logs in
would probably give some ideas.

I have a couple of shared storage clusters that were using qla2300
driver, ext3 and LVM1 and they would periodically ooops. Removed LVM
and the systems are now rock solid.


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