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SubjectRe: [PATCH] sysfs stuff for eisa bus [1/3]
>>>>> "Andries" == Andries Brouwer <> writes:

Andries> Is the database not very incomplete?

Well, it is about a thousand entries long, and I beleive it to be
fairly complete. There weren't *that* many EISA cards produced, anyway

Andries> What use is a very long and very incomplete list?

A big part of this database contains in fact ISA cards for which an
EISA config file exists. So it could be trimmed down to 50%, I think.
I was thinking the database could be useful for ISAPNP (since it uses
the same IDs).

Anyway, I don't really care about this list. It was just an effort to
mimic what the PCI code did for years, with a database that is 5 times
bigger, and still growing. At least with EISA, it won't be growing
that much... :-)

Andries> Just like for USB and PCI it might be more reasonable to
Andries> have such a list with IDs on a website instead of in the
Andries> kernel source?

If people are ready to give up this kind of thing, fair enough :

$ cat /sys/devices/pci0/00\:0c.0/name
Digital Equipment Corporation DECchip 21140 [FasterNet]
$ cat /sys/devices/eisa/00\:05/name
3Com EtherLink III Bus Master EISA (3C592) Network Adapter

But once again, the EISA list is not a big deal. I care about the core
code and the drivers, not the fancy naming. If it has to go, it will.

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