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    SubjectRe: [lkcd-devel] Re: What's left over.
    Linus Torvalds <> writes:

    > On 9 Nov 2002, Eric W. Biederman wrote:
    > >
    > > And despite my utter puzzlement on why you want the syscall cut in two.
    > I'm amazed about your puzzlement, since everybody else seem to get my
    > arguments, but as long as you play along I don't much care.

    I think this comes from being the guy down in the trenches implementing
    the code. And it is sometimes hard to look up, far enough to have design

    I totally agree that having a load/exec split is the right
    approach now that I can imagine an implementation where the code will
    actually work for the panic case. Before it felt like lying. Doing
    the split-up, promising that kexec on panic will work eventually,
    when I could not even see it as a possibility was at the core of my

    What brought me around is that I can add a flag field to kexec_load.
    With that flag field I can tell the kernel please step extra carefully
    this code will be used to handle kexec on panic. Without that I may
    be up a creek without a paddle for figuring out how to debug that code.

    To be able to support this at all I have had to be very creative in
    inventing debugging code. Which is why I have the serial console
    program kexec_test. It provides visibility into what is happening
    when nothing else will. That and memtest86 which will occasionally
    catch DMA's that have not been stopped, (memory errors on good ram) I
    at least have a place to start rather than a blank screen when
    guessing why the new kernel did not start up.

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