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SubjectRe: Linux v2.5.40 - and a feature freeze reminder

Wouldn't it make more sense, or at least be more fair, to move the
deadline in the other direction if you are going on vacation/away?
We're going to have trouble getting reiser4 ready before the Halloween
date you announced, and we are working long hours as it is. reiser4 is
dramatically better and dramatically faster than reiserfs.


Linus Torvalds wrote:

>And a small reminder that we're now officially in the last month of
>features, and since I'm going to be away basically the last week of
>October, so I actually personally consider Oct 20th to be the drop-date,
>unless you've got a really good and scary costume.. So don't try to leave
>it to the last day.
>[ And if that didn't worry you, the following should: I'm perfectly happy
> with the kernel, and as such whatever features _you_ think are missing
> might just not weigh too much with me if you then also make the mistake
> of trying to leave them for the last crunch. I might just take the last
> day off too ;]

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